Tantrism & Kundalini


 » Kundalini or fire serpent or life energy is related to Yoga, an ancient Hindu doctrine, which connects the person to the principles of his existence (his Self). The kundalini is spiritual, cosmic, or vital energy, rolled three times inside a triangle at the base of the spine, at the level of the perineum.This life energy is generally at rest in ordinary people. When awakened, it travels up the spine and activates the psyche centers or chakras.


People who seek spiritual upliftment and the attainment of higher consciousness can awaken the kundalini through meditation. It has many purposes and effects.The quest for Self, unity, and inner serenity are its priorities. The effects are well-being, relaxation, and spirituality.Meditating to awaken your kundalini allows the passage of life energy into the Sushumna, one of the channels of energy circulation in the body, which irrigates the whole body.

Tantrism & Kundalini​

Spiritual Upliftment

People who seek spiritual upliftment and the attainment of higher consciousness can awaken the kundalini through meditation. It has many purposes and effects.

The quest for Self, unity, and inner serenity are its priorities. The effects are well-being, relaxation, and spirituality.

Meditating to awaken your kundalini allows the passage of life energy into the Sushumna, one of the channels of energy circulation in the body, which irrigates the whole body.The kundalini at rest does not act. When it is awakened, its impact and benefits on your form, health, and psychic are immeasurable. Different techniques allow you to awaken your kundalini or « fire serpent. » You must know that in addition to being flesh and blood, the human being is energy. To live in negation or conflict with one’s power is to self-mutilate a part of oneself or to create psychic and physical confrontations. The result is often indecision and chronic depression. You may also suffer from inner turmoil or a feeling of inner emptiness.Addictions and signs of a disturbed mind searching for something may appear addiction to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc.You may even be in a double ignorance of not knowing, nor being only aware of the search of your mind. You are content to suffer the consequences.However, your mind knows that it is seeking balance and is using all the things we have mentioned as crutches to move in any direction in disorder.You must channel and mobilize it in search of the Self and Oneness by awakening your kundalini. Many techniques can be used to revive it.